
Veronica Chen '20

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  • พรพรสำฦต lawn and trees
    พรพรสำฦตโ€™s 13 Days of Green celebration included panel discussions, a Locavore Dinner, a pop-up thrift shop, and a day of service.
    May 4, 2018
  • พรพรสำฦต outdoor class in the Quad
    We asked students to tell us about a valuable lesson from the spring semester: โ€œIn my electronics class, my partner and I made our own version of Guitar Hero. I went into the class knowing nothing about electronics to creating and programming my own video game.โ€ โ€” Jacob Pilawa โ€™20, physics and astronomy and French [โ€ฆ]
    April 23, 2018
  • Photo taken by Stephanie Bolster '17
    Last summer, Alia Davis โ€™18 returned to Santa Fe, N. M., to work on a video project she felt compelled to finish. Davis first visited New Mexico during the fall of 2015 with พรพรสำฦตโ€™s Santa Fe Off-Campus Study Group, led by Professor Sarah Wider. Because the study group emphasizes community-based learning, students were placed at [โ€ฆ]
    April 4, 2018
  • Christina Weiler โ€™21 believes in the value of waste. The truth about waste, she says, is that it is a part of us, and we are responsible for it. In order to put plastic in a place where it belongs, Weiler came up with the UCan project, a beverage container recycling initiative that gives its [โ€ฆ]
    March 7, 2018