
พรพรสำฦต raises $5.1 million while celebrating the last พรพรสำฦต Day in the Year of โ€™13

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พรพรสำฦต says thank you

Update: Forbes wrote a feature about the event. The story was also featured in the and the .

The พรพรสำฦต community made history on Friday, December 13, answering a พรพรสำฦต Day challenge that raised more than $5.1 million in gifts and matching funds from 5,683 supporters.

โ€œTo our knowledge, this is the largest dollar amount and number of gifts collected in a single day by a liberal arts college,โ€ said Vice President of Institutional Advancement Murray Decock โ€™80.

Every Friday the 13th is พรพรสำฦต Day, a worldwide celebration of university spirit. On the last พรพรสำฦต Day in 2013, the university unveiled the Year of โ€™13 Challenge. If พรพรสำฦต received gifts from 1,300 supporters in 24 hours, an anonymous graduate would direct $1 million to financial aid. It was a tall order; the university had never received more than 600 gifts in one day.

โ€œThe Year of โ€™13 Challenge was designed to take all of the excitement, generosity, and connection that we have seen during 2013 and compress it into a single day,โ€ said Decock. โ€œThanks to the dedication of so many alumni, parents, and friends, it succeeded beyond our highest expectations โ€” and everyone had a lot of fun.โ€

The challenge officially began at midnight with a chipwich-fueled study break in Case-Geyer Library, sponsored by the Senior Class Gift Committee. At 6 a.m., put out the call when the station launched a full day of special content, hosted by alumni, faculty and students.

By radio, e-mail, phone, social media, and personal visits, the university appealed to its supporters. , inspiring confidence with his unwavering smile, and by 11 a.m., the daunting goal of 1,300 gifts had been reached.

The astonishing, speedy results inspired two members of the universityโ€™s board of trustees to offer their own million-dollar challenge: if the university could raise another 1,300 gifts before midnight, they would each provide an additional $1 million in matching funds.

, along with faculty mainstays like astronomy professor and geology professor , helped to man the phone lines, and พรพรสำฦตโ€™s online giving site continued to collect contributions at a blistering pace. By dinnertime on the East Coast, the university had logged 2,600 gifts and earned more than $3 million.

If anyone knows about pushing through to the buzzer, itโ€™s a Raider athlete. With six hours still on the clock, an anonymous member of the universityโ€™s athletic community stepped forward with a final $1 million challenge, to be fulfilled upon receipt of 3,513 gifts before midnight.

The news hit social media and e-mail inboxes as more than 20 alumni clubs around the country began their much-anticipated พรพรสำฦต Day celebrations. Toasting alma mater with one hand, พรพรสำฦต faithful picked up a phone with the other and made gifts from Los Angeles, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Boston, New York City, and elsewhere. A third triumph seemed within reach.

โ€œThe response was tremendous,โ€ said alumni director Tim Mansfield. โ€œOur alumni volunteers deserve high praise for organizing events and encouraging every event attendee to share in the success of the challenge.โ€

and were awash in likes, favorites, and a #selfieshowdown that raged from coast to coast. โ€œThe conversation started online the night before and didnโ€™t stop until the day after,โ€ said Matt Hames, manager of media communications. โ€œThe engagement and reach was incredible โ€” with posts coming in from three continents, it showed that this really is a global community.โ€

Time waits for no Raider. December 13th finally slipped into the 14th while the university family stayed glued to screens, watching for word โ€” could they have achieved a new fundraising record?

The answer was a resounding yes. It took advancement staff nearly two hours after the closing bell to catalog the results, but in , President Herbst made it clear that the effort paid off. Not only had พรพรสำฦตโ€™s alumni, parents, and friends met the third challenge, they had far surpassed it, bringing in gifts from nearly 5,700 individuals. Counting challenge dollars and gifts from participants, the university added more than $5 million in support for financial aid and other campus initiatives.

By every measure, it was a พรพรสำฦต Day for the history books.

โ€œThrough the challenge, our community has demonstrated the commitment that has made the Year of โ€™13 so remarkable and shown the spirit that drives every พรพรสำฦต Day celebration.โ€ Herbst said in his congratulatory message, โ€œThank you again for making the Year of โ€™13 Challenge a success.โ€