
พรพรสำฦต Reads: First-year students discuss Tenth of December

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: read a book, discuss the book. The program is a way of facilitating discussion, sharing thoughts, and sparking literary curiosity. A quick visit to the programโ€™s online forum proves that its goal has been achieved, but you can also see its influence in more surprising venues โ€“ Facebook, for one.

Discussion of George Saundersโ€™ Tenth of December has jumped right out of the programโ€™s forum and taken on a life of its own as readers try to gain clarity and a better appreciation for the book. พรพรสำฦตโ€™s own Class of 2017 group on Facebook has been lively with activity surrounding Tenth of December, the first-yearsโ€™ assigned summer reading.  Among the standard questions about residence hall rooms, schedule changes, and searches for fellow snowboarders, an initial post by Meagan Herlihy โ€™17 about the book prompted others to respond.

More than 60 comments later, a full-fledged debate and discussion was formed, in which the newest members of the พรพรสำฦต community offered their opinions, insights, and struggles with Saundersโ€™s thought-provoking stories.

One Facebook post has facilitated much discussion of the book. Is it modern? Post-modern? Avant-garde? How does Saundersโ€™s writing compare with classic American cynicism? With Twain? And what about his characters? Are they moral? What do they show us about humanity?

The have taken these questions fit for a classroom and begun to tackle them on the popular social network. Theyโ€™ve debated and discussed what they liked and didnโ€™t like, whether or not they felt Saundersโ€™ writing was effective, and his use of characters, to name a few subjects.

But one thing most did agree upon was the value of discussion and sharing. Hannah DeGarmo โ€™17 conceded, โ€œI do feel as though Iโ€™ll either like or appreciate the book more after discussing it โ€“ getting to hear what other people took from stories or how they saw the characters โ€ฆ I just tend to like books more after having discussed them with people.โ€

Alex Pustelnyk โ€™17 chimed in, โ€œIn my personal view the best books are the ones that are discussed and shared amongst people.โ€ Pustelnyk later confided that after the discussion the group felt more like a cohesive class, and he made several friends through it, โ€œshowing the importance of พรพรสำฦต Reads, coupled with new technology, in bringing people together.โ€

These incoming students have taken the initiative in getting involved and sharing ideas, even before arriving on campus. They are now participating in an even bigger discussion on the , where alumni, parents, staff, and friends are discussing the short story โ€œTenth of December.โ€

Saunders visits campus September 10, and will give a public reading at 4:30 p.m. in the Memorial Chapel. The Class of 2017 has joined the discussion.