
พรพรสำฦต welcomes 44 new faculty members

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พรพรสำฦต welcomed a host of new faculty members diverse in background and expertise in August, introducing a fresh group of faces and reintroducing some familiar ones in new roles.

Four former visiting professors -โ€” , educational studies; , writing and rhetoric; , environmental studies; and , educational studies -โ€” have been hired to tenure-stream positions.

The new faculty members bring a wide range of research interests, from Brenda Sanya, who is co-editing a book on feminism and technology in Kenya, to Isla Globus-Harris, who studies the intersection of economics and environmental policy. The Division of University Studies has welcomed the most new professors, welcoming five new members. Bonet, who served as a visiting assistant professor in educational studies last year before joining on a permanent basis this year, researches educational outcomes of refugee families and youth, specifically on Arab and Muslim students in a post-9/11 context.

The new crop of faculty members reflects พรพรสำฦตโ€™s commitment to diversity, improving on racial diversity and gender balance compared to last yearโ€™s faculty demographics figures. The 44 incoming professors are split evenly between men and women, while more than a quarter said they identified as people of color.

Read a full list of new faculty and their biographies below.

  • Brittany Adell, Instructor in Physical Education and Head Womenโ€™s Rowing Coach
  • Jomarie Alano, Lecturer in University Studies
  • Nicholas Albertson, Lecturer in University Studies and Japanese
  • Casey Avaunt, Visiting Assistant Professor of Theater
  • Antonio Bentivegna, Visiting Assistant Professor in Spanish
  • Steve Black, Associate University Librarian
  • Sally Bonet, Assistant Professor of Educational Studies
  • Courtney Campany, Postdoctoral Fellow in Biology
  • Lianca Carlesi, Visiting Lecturer in Italian
  • Seth Coluzzi, Assistant Professor of Music
  • April Cornell, Instructor in Physical Education and Head Field Hockey Coach
  • Michael Danti, พรพรสำฦต NEH Associate Professor of the Humanities in the Department of the Classics (Fall 2017)
  • Yedida Eisenstat, Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies
  • Christopher Ejizu, พรพรสำฦต NEH Professor in the Humanities in the Department of Religion and the Africana and Latin American Studies Program (Spring 2018)
  • Maximiliano Ferro, Lecturer in Art & Art History
  • Joshua Finnell, Head of Research and Instruction; Associate Professor in the University Libraries
  • Alexander Forte, Visiting Assistant Professor of the Classics
  • Dennis Geist, Lecturer in University Studies
  • Isla Globus-Harris, Assistant Professor of Economics
  • Jacob Goldberg, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry
  • Emma Greensmith, Visiting Instructor in the Classics
  • Rachel Hanson, Olive B. Oโ€™Connor Creative Writing Fellow in the Department of English
  • Margaretha Haughwout, Assistant Professor of Art and Art History
  • Emily Jaeger, Olive B. Oโ€™Connor Creative Writing Fellow in the Department of English
  • Sandra Jackson, Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science
  • Aftab Jassal, Assistant Professor of Religion
  • Travis Jeffres, Lecturer in History
  • Mahita Kadmiel, Lecturer in Biology
  • Alison Koleszar, Lecturer and Research Associate in Geology
  • Ntokozo Fuzunina Kunene, Visiting Assistant Professor of Theater
  • Jennifer LeMesurier, Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
  • Marissa Lamison-Myers, Instructor in Physical Education and Head Softball Coach
  • Joseph Levy, Assistant Professor of Geology
  • Erik Lillethun, Assistant Professor of Economics
  • Daniel Ludwinski, Visiting Instructor of Economics
  • Matthew Luttig, Assistant Professor of Political Science
  • Jie Ma, Visiting Instructor in Economics
  • Sean Macdonald, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chinese
  • Sarah Mattes, Lecturer in Art & Art History
  • Scott Mehl, Assistant Professor of Japanese
  • Tanya Minteer, Lecturer in Biology
  • Reagan Mitchell, Visiting Assistant Professor of Educational Studies
  • Rajinikanth Mohan, Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
  • Stephen Owen, Lecturer in Economics
  • Andrew Pattison, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
  • Amanda Rogers, Visiting Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
  • Sam Rosenfeld, Assistant Professor of Political Science
  • Arthur Salvo, Visiting Assistant Professor of German
  • Sophie Salvo, Lecturer in University Studies
  • Brenda Sanya, Visiting Assistant Professor of Educational Studies
  • Walter Tangarife Garcia, Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics
  • Sara Tanis, Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology
  • Ashley Taylor, Assistant Professor of Educational Studies
  • Semiha Topal, Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Spring 2018)
  • Megan Varney, Visiting Lecturer and Second Language (ESL/ELL) Coordinator
  • Rachel White, Head of Metadata and Cataloging; Associate Professor in the University Libraries
  • Haiyan Zhang, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology