
Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide

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Students in class with พรพรสำฦต professor Peter Balakian

พรพรสำฦต professor Peter Balakian is a world-renowned Armenian genocide expert.

As the world commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide today, continues to press the U.S. government to join a growing number of nations and dignitaries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Pope Francis, to publicly denounce and formally brand the killings as genocide.

Balakian, a descendant of survivors of the atrocity that killed about 1.5 million people, is a commentator, poet, author of , and the Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor in Humanities, professor of , and director of creative writing at พรพรสำฦต. He has provided expert commentary on the legacy and trauma of the Armenian genocide, and what he calls โ€œthe continued denial of the Turkish government to come to terms with its past.โ€

โ€œI think whatโ€™s shocking in the Turkish case is the refusal, in the face of large world-wide pressure, not just from Armenians, but from 22 countries that have passed Armenian genocide resolutions, for Turkey to deal with the aftermath of the genocide in an ethical way,โ€ said Balakian. โ€œTurkeyโ€™s refusal has been shocking to the world.โ€

Additional commentary can be found in the news links below.