
Noh performance shows glimpse of ancient Japanese culture

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Yamai Tsunao,

Yamai Tsunao leads a workshop in Noh theater, a Japanese drama that is one of the oldest theatrical forms in the world. Photo by Nick Gilbert

The curtain in Brehmer Theater opened to reveal Yamai Tsunao kneeling under a single spotlight on stage. He was dressed in a stiff, dark-colored Hakama costume, and his only prop was a brightly colored fan. He sang in a deep, full voice, moving through a series of deliberate, careful gestures.

The audience watched intently and there was an unexpected sensation of suspense in the dimly lit theater. The performerโ€™s expression and poise made it clear that this type of performance required intense concentration and advanced memorization.

This rendering was part of an interactive performance about theater, a Japanese drama that is one of the oldest theatrical forms in the world. Noh differs greatly from Western drama. The performers are storytellers who move on stage in a manner that suggests the essence of a story rather than plot, thus creating a style of theater that is inherently subtle.

For the February 10 performance, was nearly filled to capacity with students, faculty, and community members.

, a distinguished Noh actor and a member of the Komparu School, has led many workshops. For him and many others, Noh is a family tradition passed down through different generations. Tsunaoโ€™s grandfather encouraged him to do his first performance at age 5, and his first major performance at age 12.

Tsunaoโ€™s พรพรสำฦต performance was followed by an interactive workshop. First, audience members were given lyrics to Takasago, a celebratory song often performed at weddings. Through listening to Tsunao and reciting along with him, the audience learned to sing the song. Then, he invited people on stage to receive a basic dance lesson. Volunteers learned the slow, methodical actions that make up Noh theater, at times visibly struggling not to rush the movements.

โ€œTrying Noh for myself was far more difficult than I expected,โ€ said Monica Hoh โ€™16, a theater major. โ€œIt required a discipline of my entire body that I was not used to having. But due to that, I was far more aware of what my body was doing in each moment while onstage.โ€

The event was sponsored by the program and had additional support from the , the , and .