
Professor Epstein comments on Russian protests

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Last spring, while teaching in Bryansk, Russia, on a Fulbright grant, พรพรสำฦต political science professor noticed a change in the mood of the people since the last time he visited.

โ€œPeople from all walks of Russian life โ€ฆ were now saying that [Prime Minister Vladimir] Putin is as much of a thief as anybody else amongst the elites,โ€ he said. โ€œAnd the [recent Parliamentary] elections โ€ฆ were really an important indicator of that. Even with the thumb of the Kremlin on the scales, the party of power couldnโ€™t come up with even half of the votes.โ€

Yet, Epstein believes there is likely to be little change until Putin is โ€œout of the picture entirely.

โ€œThe idea of losing control in Moscow, which actually seems preposterous to me, would certainly not mean losing control of the country,โ€ he said. โ€œOpposition is concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but between them, they make up barely 10-15% of the countryโ€™s population.โ€

Also, โ€œwhat little media coverage there might be from the few opposition media outlets, never comes to a place like Bryansk, or the other small cities where most Russians live.โ€

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