
Students burn both ends of candle for theater

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A love of theater, a healthy dose of stamina, and a strong desire to see a project to a successful conclusion were on display recently during the 24-Hour Burn at พรพรสำฦต.

The โ€œburnโ€ involves the entire theatrical process crunched into a 24-hour period, with writing, rehearsing, directing, and acting all happening at Donovanโ€™s Pub.

This latest venture of the Masque and Triangle theater group involved about 30 students, according to Molly Thrailkill โ€™09. It started at 8 p.m. Oct. 10 and ended with several plays performed live at 8 p.m. Oct. 11.

Two students โ€“ Mark Florian โ€™09 and Phuong Nam Kieu โ€™11 โ€“ videotaped the exhaustive process, and Florian created a clip that shows the progression from energetic writing sessions to catnaps on pub benches to full rehearsals to pre-performance jitters to a live show.

โ€œItโ€™s definitely an interesting process to do it in such a short period of time,โ€ says writer Alexandra Magnaud โ€™12. โ€œIโ€™m having a good time already. All the coffee out there helps.โ€

At one point in the early, early hours, writer Allie Geiger โ€™09 captures the mood: โ€œI feel like my eyes are filled with caulk.โ€

But the show must go on. And it did, 24 hours later. Watch the video to see the students in action.