
  • Image of พรพรสำฦต in the fall and Brian Casey headshot
    This Friday, พรพรสำฦต inaugurates Brian W. Casey as its 17th president. A full slate of special inauguration-week events kicked off yesterday with a panel discussion focused on พรพรสำฦตโ€™s historical roots. Participants then turned to the question of how the universityโ€™s long journey from Baptist seminary to modern liberal arts institution may inform its path forward. [โ€ฆ]
    September 28, 2016
  • A new agreement between พรพรสำฦต and the Naitonal University of Singapore will create new off-campus study options in 2017.
    Students looking for a dynamic off-campus experience that also allows them to engage in scientific research will have more options in 2017, thanks to a new agreement between พรพรสำฦต and the National University of Singapore (NUS). After more than a year of exploration and development, representatives of พรพรสำฦต and the NUS signed a memorandum [โ€ฆ]
    June 24, 2016