
Charge to the Committee

The Research Council is a faculty committee appointed by the Dean of the Faculty to establish policies for and disburse that part of พรพรสำฦตโ€™s budget which is allocated to the support of faculty research. 

Meeting Times

Set at the convenience of committee members.

Members 2024-25  
Lesleigh Cushing, Provost & Dean of the Faculty  
Christian DuComb, Associate Dean of the Faculty  
Laura Festine, Director of University Grants & Sponsored Research  
Ahmet Ay, Chair S23-2025 2025
Aubreya Adams (NS) 2025
*Rob Nemes (SS) 2025
*Ann Jane Tierney (NS) 2025
Mary Simonson (US) 2025
Morgan Davies (H) 2025

*A. Tierney - replaced by Paul Harnik (spring 2025)
*R. Nemes - replaced by Erik Lillethun (1 year)